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to Exposition of Romans:

3:9–20—Conclusion: OT confirms that humanity is under sin’s power
(January 26th 2019)

Exposition of Romans


Paul’s epistle to the believers in Rome is his most comprehensive and systematic presentation of the gospel message. In 2011 I began a verse-by-verse study of Romans and shared my findings via e-mail with people who expressed interest. Now I am revising my exposition for presentation on this website, and the goal is to include the entire epistle.

I am a former pastor and am also retired from an academic career as a research analyst at the University of Oregon where I was associate director of a clearinghouse on educational management. There I developed a method of information analysis and synthesis to give principals, superintendents, and school board members access to the best findings and ideas coming from educational research.

The exposition combines my own insights with my synthesis of ideas gleaned from noted evangelical Romans scholars. For a list of the commentaries and other resources I rely on for understanding the text, please see the Bibliography. With the help of these scholars, I seek to make Romans accessible to people of all backgrounds who want to understand this monumental epistle by the Apostle Paul.

Much has been learned about this epistle in recent decades, and authors of recent commentaries are among the best ever to communicate its message. If you have not paid attention to modern evangelical scholarship on Romans, you should do so now. My intention is to communicate in clear and concise language the findings and conclusions of current Romans scholars. Most messages address only one or several verses.

I approach this study firm in the belief that the Bible is the Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, authoritative in all it says, inerrant in the original writing, and the trustworthy guide to faith and practice.